Rose wine is the famous drink of Mykonian summers. However, many people have misconceptions about rosé wine, such as that it is a mixture of white and red wine or that lighter wines are lighter than dark wines.
Winemykonos will help you learn more about Rosé Wines.
Light rosé wine or dark rosé wine : a different vinification.
No, rosé wine is not a mixture of red wine and white wine (except for rosé champagne) but it is produced from black grapes with white pulp and red skin. It is the pigments contained in the grape skin that give rosé wine its colour. The longer it is macerated, the darker the colour will be.
There are two types of vinification:
The rosé of bleeding (saignée in french) and the rosé of pressing.
For the rosé de saignée, the grape skins macerate with the juice for 24 hours, then part of the tinted juice contained in the wine vat is released, in other words, "we bleed the wine vat", in order to vinify it as well. The rest of the harvest can be used to produce red wine. In this case, the rosé is rather dark, rather vinous with a potential of keeping.
For the rosé from pressing, it is enough to press the whole bunches directly after the harvest, and let them macerate. In this case, the colour of the wine will be much lighter and the rosé wine ready to be pressed discreetly the whole bunches immediately after the harvest, without letting them macerate. In this case, the colour of the wine will be much lighter and the rosé should be drunk quickly.
Another factor, the use of cold temperatures in the cellars plays an essential role. If the grapes and the juice are refrigerated, the diffusion of colour can be slower and less intense.
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